Course PL-900T00: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals

Prihajajoče izvedbe

Nivo:For IT professionals
Kategorija prodajalca:Power Platform
Teme:Business analytics (BA), Database, Developer, End user
Trajanje (dni):1
Tip učenja:Preko spleta
Cena:390€ + DDV

Learn the business value and product capabilities of Microsoft Power Platform. Create simple Power Apps, connect data with Dataverse, build a Power BI Dashboard, automate processes with Power Automate, and build a chatbot with Power Virtual Agents.


Skills gained

  • Describe Microsoft Power Platform components
  • Describe Microsoft Dataverse, Connectors and AI builder
  • Describe cross-cloud scenarios across M365, Dynamics 365, Microsoft Azure and 3rd party services
  • Identify benefits and capabilities of Microsoft Power Platform
  • Identify the basic functionality and business value Microsoft Power Platform components
  • Implement simple solutions with Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI, and Power Virtual Agents

Module 1: Introduction to Microsoft Power Platform

Learn about the components of Microsoft Power Platform, ways to connect data, and how organizations can leverage this technology to create business solutions.


  • Microsoft Power Platform Overview
  • Module Summary

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Identify when to use each Microsoft Power Platform component application to create business solution
  • Learn the value of using Microsoft Power Platform to create business solutions
  • Learn the components and features of Microsoft Power Platform


Module 2: Introduction to Microsoft Dataverse

Dataverse allows you to delve into powerful, scalable data solutions in the cloud. Learn what makes Dataverse tick and how it can work with Microsoft Power Platform to create unique and efficient business solutions.


  • Microsoft Dataverse Overview
  • Module Summary
  • Lab : Data Modeling
  • Create Solution
  • Add Existing and Create New Tables
  • Create Relationships
  • Import Data
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Descibe the difference between Dataverse and Common Data Model
  • Explain use cases and limitations of business rules and process flows
  • Explain what environments, tables, columns, and relationships are in Dataverse


Module 3: Get Started with Power Apps

Learn about the value and capabilities of Power Apps, and ways other organizations have leverage this technology to build simple applications for their business.


  • Introduction to Power Apps
  • How to build a canvas app
  • How to build a model-driven app
  • Introduction to Power Apps portals
  • Lab : How to build a canvas app, part 1
  • Create Staff Canvas App
  • Complete the App
  • Lab : How to build a canvas app, part 2
  • Create Security Canvas App
  • Lab : How to build a model-driven app
  • Customize Views and Forms
  • Create Model-Driven Application
  • Lab : How to build a Power Apps portal
  • Provision a Power Apps portal
  • Create a Portal Webpage
  • Change the Portal Theme
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Learn how other organizations digitize their processes using Power Apps
  • See Power Apps in action and learn options for making your first app
  • Learn about what Power Apps is and its business value


Module 4: Get Started with Power Automate

Learn how users can leverage Power Automate to improve business efficiency and productivity.


  • Power Automate Overview
  • How to Build an Automated Solution
  • Lab : Power Automate
  • Create Visit Notification flow
  • Create Security Sweep Flow
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • See how Power Automate works and looks from the user's perspective
  • Build a simple flow
  • Learn the business value and features of Power Automate


Module 5: Get Started with Power BI

Learn how organizations can use Power BI to easily clean, display, and understand data to ensure better informed decisions.


  • Power BI Overview
  • How to Build a Simple Dashboard
  • Lab : How to build a simple dashboard
  • Create Power BI Report
  • Create Power BI Dashboard
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • See how Power BI works and looks from the user's perspective
  • Learn how to build a simple Power BI dashboard
  • Describe the business value and features of Power BI


Module 6: Introduction to Power Virtual Agents

Learn about the value and capabilities of Power Virtual Agents and ways organizations can leverage this technology to build chatbot solutions for their business.


  • Power Virtual Agents overview
  • How to build a chatbot
  • Lab : How to build a basic chatbot
  • Sign up for PVA and Create a New Bot
  • Create Topics
  • Test Topics
  • Change the Greeting
  • Publish the Bot
  • After completing this module, students will be able to
  • Describe the business value and features of Power Virtual Agents
  • Build a basic chatbot
  • Learn essential components that make up Power Virtual Agents and chatbots

No prerequisites for this course.

This learning path helps prepare you for Exam PL-900: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals.


Tomaž Vodušek,​​​​​
Power Platform Consultant & Trainer, 
CEO at Solid-Crm d.o.o.


Svojo IT pot je začel pred več kot 20 leti kot podporni inženir pri Microsoftovi podporni službi, kjer je podpiral strežniške in namizne aplikacije. Znanje, ki ga je pridobil v praksi, je prenašal naprej v izobraževalnem centru, sprva na področju Windows Server Tehnologiji, kasneje pa se je osredotočil na Microsoft CRM platformo.

Zadnjih 17 let se ukvarja s poslovno platformo Microsoft CRM, od 2018 dalje pa s Power Platform, kjer je sodeloval na mnogih projektih v Sloveniji  in Združenem Kraljestvu.

Pridobljeno znanje in izkušnje iz prakse prenaša tudi na slušatelje na področju Microsoft Power Platform, v okviru tečajev PL.

Specializirana področja:

  • Power platform expert
  • Developing on Dataverse
  • Power Apps
  • Power BI
V angleščini Online Termin ni potrjen

28. november 2024 - 29. november 2024

  • Cena: 390€ + DDV
Pokaži urnik
  • 28.11.2024, 09:00-13:00
    Online classroom
  • 29.11.2024, 09:00-13:00
    Online classroom

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